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La Boda
The Wedding
Year 2K
Marte & Clyde

2003 - The Walsh - Franco:

Claudia had a very busy year planning and starring in her California wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony at the Stanford University Memorial Church, followed by a one-of-a-kind wild party, that can only be achieved by the joining of Spanish and Irish people. Getting the whole family together, including the Brazilians, was such a treat.

By bringing Marte into the Franco family, Claudia has added yet another 6’7” + giant into the mix. The Franco lineage shall be growing much taller thanks to Marte and Gustavo’s DNA soup.

Claudia will be finishing up her legal studies this year and taking the Bar exam this coming summer. Watch out Mark Geragos! After the Bar exam, Marte, the Walsh family, and Claudia will finally visit Spain for a true meeting of the families. Then they all plan to go to Athens to watch Gustavo and Marte’s sister, Kerri, compete in the Olympic Games.




Claudia has quickly become the brunt of all the anti-lawyer sentiment and jokes. She just completed her first semester of school at UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. The school is right near the civic center in downtown SF, so the neighborhood keeps her on her toes. She came to Florida for Christmas and will take Lamberto back to California with her for New Years.