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Frankie the Cat

 We are very happy to report that the Borges Franco Family is pregnant again (4 months). As far as we know there is a little girl on the way for sometime next year. Barbara is taking good care of herself and keeping in shape with a personal trainer and weekly lymph massages (whatever that is). Blanca and Claudia better step it up because their pregnant sister is in superior physical shape compared to them.

Blanca has detached herself from the world of swimming and happily spending her free time in other pursuits and getting ready for the Jacksonville River Run. Dad walked by her room the other day and (thought) he overheard a new melodious CD. However, the beautiful guitar music was actually created by Blanca. It's about time our family created some music instead of just a lot of noise. In other news, she is working hard and getting good grades in school. Although, she changes her major as often as her underwear.

Lamberto is busy as ever and growing tall (finally). In the past year he has been focused on swimming, kart racing, and his studies (of course). He is actually doing quite well in school. Maturity has brought him the ability to focus better and appreciate learning new things. Don't miss the photos of him racing his go-kart and winning races against adults. He has also made strides with the older girls at his school. We get the feeling that this little man is going to be quite a heartbreaker. For New Year's he is going out to California to visit Claudia and snowbaord in Tahoe.

Mom is always busy and just one semester shy of earning her college degree. In addition to a full class load she works full time at the middle school, teaching English as a second language and Spanish. She is travelling to Brazil for New Year's to visit Barbara and Gustavo. It is summertime over there at this time of year - so she'll come back with a tan. We just hope that she doesn't don one of those famously skimpy tanga bikinis

Claudia has quickly become the brunt of all the anti-lawyer sentiment and jokes. She just completed her first semester of school at UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. The school is right near the civic center in downtown SF, so the neighborhood keeps her on her toes. She came to Florida for Christmas and will take Lamberto back to California with her for New Years.

The Cobra is really coming along these days. Wiring, dashboard, motor running, etc. Pretty soon we are going to see dad cruising down the street in his very self-built 550 hp Shelby Cobra. Watch out for speeding tickets possibly carrying the death penalty!  as the speedometer goes all the way up to 200 mph (320 kph).


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