Xmas 2004
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We want to wish you a Happy Christmas and hope the New Year finds all of you in good spirits and still better health and harmony, with yourself, your family, the neighbors, the environment, your new dog, cat, car whatever.

For the first time in 6 years we have all been able to spend Christmas together here in beautiful “Los Gatos” CA. This time, we have been able to wrestle the forces of dispersion and it has been a real blessing to pull everybody together. We are also delighted that our families are all in good health, good spirits, and had the wisdom (Tia Mercedes ) to send us a huge box of “Spanish Turrones.” May the Lord Bless her in her good judgment and diligence.

The reunion, while planned, was not without its share of thrilling episodes, as Blanca missed her (non-refundable, hello! – this is where the thrill lies) flight from Jacksonville on the 21st and had a flat tire on the 23rd on her way to the airport – (also on a non-refundable ticket). OK here is where the irony of this flat tire tale resides. While Blanca is calling Dad in distress from Florida to notify him that her Left Front tire had been punctured by a bolt on her way to the airport, Dad answers his cell phone from “Good Year Tires” at Los Gatos Blvd in California where he has taken his car after his Left Front Tire was punctured by a bolt, at literally the same time!!. We cannot remember, in the last 10 years or so either Dad or Blanca having a flat tire! So there it goes for you statisticians. She finally made it and of course she got a very warm and overwhelming welcome ceremony from all of us. Blanca is still living in Jacksonville and she takes “good care” of the house from time to time.   

Mom, dad and Lamberto have all (at least until Lamberto goes to College) moved to Los Gatos, California to be closer to Claudia and so that Lamberto can attend a “Silicone Valley” High School.

Lamberto finally has the chance to fulfill his wish of returning to his roots in California, his birth State. He is attending Los Gatos High School, where he is getting above average grades (an improvement) and has already scored two goals in the just started season playing on the Junior Varsity Soccer Team. He has been heard saying that he and his friends “live for soccer.” Watch out Ronaldo!! This Christmas, Santa Claus brought Lamberto a 100cc dirt bike and he is already getting mud-spattered in the Santa Cruz mountains.

You may think that Lamberto looks kind of weird in this year’s Christmas picture. Please be aware that his eyes were slam shut in the original photograph, and dad had to scramble to find a pair of “wide open” extra eyeballs in his laptop. Initially we were urging dad to improve the transplant results, but when he informed us that the only left over resources for body fragment pictures were the arrest and criminal records of the Santa Clara Police Department, we decided to put up with Lamberto’s somewhat creepy look as is.  

Mom has a new job in California and she is already known around the school district as an absolute sensation and savior to her school, Scott Lane Elementary. She is teaching bilingual education, so she teaching in English and Spanish and English as Second Language. She is working really hard and has earned her reputation with every drop of her sweat. Dad did put together a webpage of her comings and goings as of last summer in the educational arena, if you’re interested: www.ffranco.com/teacher

Claudia graduated from law school this past spring and took (and passed!!) the California Bar examination in the summer. It’s official, the world has yet another lawyer… and dad has found a greater passion for lawyer jokes. [ click for lawyer joke.] Claudia is working at Morrison & Foerster (MoFo) in Palo Alto, California, in the business group… working very long hours but learning a whole lot about making money while not getting in tribulations with Eliot Spitzer.

Marte and Claudia are coming up on two years married and going strong. They were also in Athens this summer, where they watched Marte’s sister, Kerri, win the Olympic GOLD in beach volleyball. Surely Kerri could not have done it without the Walsh cheering section, led by the mighty voices of Claudia and Marte. Before going to Athens, Marte and Claudia went to visit the family in Spain. Marte’s Spanish is not very good, but he was a hit (a colossal and very improbable undertaking) with Abuela Maria in Barcelona. We have to thank Lamberto for counseling and guiding Marte prior to Abuela María’s encounter. Lamberto, after years of skirmishes and confrontations with her over any and all matters of life, was able to provide Marte with tactics and in advance warnings that did permit him to avoid some of the most dangerous initial pitfalls and minefields. Good teamwork, excellent result.

Abuela María has announced her plans of visiting us next Christmas, this Is not only great news as we always treasure and cherish the opportunity of spending time with her, but for what it  represents, as of her state of mind and almighty health, to initiate plans for a 6000+ mile trip when pushing 89. But what the heck, George H W Bush parachuted himself this year at 80... while of course we do not expect her to disembark in the same fashion…yet, who knows ??

Later in Madrid, Marte had also the opportunity to meet all 1575 members of Mom’s family and his communication skills in Spanish improved dramatically and exponentially as more and more sangria was being splurged. We do not remember anything, but can attest to it after reviewing the corroborating incriminating videotapes.

The Borges clan came all the way from Brazil to California for the holidays. 

Barbara ran a marathon this past May. She completed the marathon and came in third place for her age group, but barely! In her usual dramatic fashion, she attempted to kiss the pavement seconds after crossing the finish line… only to pass out cold. [click for pic] She had to be carried to the infirmary and then resuscitated, but she made it to the award stand with as much consciousness as you may sport after a Marathon. While she was recovering in the medical tent, Gustavo rolled his eyes while she was attended by two hunky ER technicians that resembled George Clooney and Noah Wiley. She completed the marathon in 3 hours and 31 minutes. The next time around she is going for under 3:30, although she has already bested dad’s time. (…yet dad still claims that the longer the time, the more bravery and heroism are exhibited …..well, we do not see many sports authorities supporting this viewpoint… Gold Medal to the last one ! come on, get real man !)

Gustavo called it an end to his illustrious career in swimming totaling four Olympic medals. He competed in the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece this summer and then carried the Brazilian flag at the closing ceremonies!! He had the privilege of staying aboard the Queen Mary II, which also hosted the NBA basketball stars. Barbara was seen trying to sneak in through a port hole, just so she could shop at the Harrods store on board, but all she got was a Cadbury candy bar that Gustavo was kind in enough to share with her. Now he has moved on to less competitive endeavors… although, he must be missing the competition because we played some board games over the holidays and he wins every time….or else…..

Gustavinho and Gabriella are as cute as ever. Gustavinho is five years old, but as tall as a seven year old. Gabi is two years old and possesses the most disarming smile you have ever seen. They are still attending a British school - where Barbara also teaches -  and get around pretty well in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Gabriella is the youngest in her class and pretty smart with a 4.0 grade point average in pre-school. The Borges family expects nothing other than over-achieving, even at age 2!! Gustavinho, on the other hand, is a bit of trouble maker. His last infraction, which sent him to the principal’s office, was playing tennis with his shoes in music class… don’t ask! Will he follow in the footsteps of Gustavo Borges or Gustavo Kuerten?